Friday, June 17, 2011



Tuesday, June 14, 2011

List Of the Cliffs in Asia

The following is an incomplete list of cliffs in Asia Above Sea The Cliff of Kurosakitakao, Mikurajima, Tokyo prefecture, Japan 480 m above Pacific Ocean Matengai, Oki Islands, Shimane prefecture, Japan 257 m above Sea of Japan Senba-kaigai, Minami, Tokushima prefecture, Japan 250 m above Pacific Ocean Chibu-sekiheki, Oki Islands, Shimane prefecture, Japan 200 m above Sea of Japan Senzoku-dangai, Shinonsen, Hyogo prefecture, Japan 180 m above Sea of Japan Yoroinosode, Kami, Hyogo prefecture, Japan...

Large and famous cliffs

Given that a cliff need not be exactly vertical, there can be ambiguity about whether a given slope is a cliff or not, and also about how much of a certain slope to count as a cliff. For example, given a truly vertical rock wall above a very steep slope, one could count only the rock wall, or the combination. This makes listings of cliffs an inherently uncertain endeavor. Some of the largest cliffs on Earth are found underwater. For example, an 8000-meter drop over a 4,250-meter span can be found...


The Trango Towers in Pakistan In geography and geology, a cliff is a significant vertical, or near vertical, rock exposure. Cliffs are formed as erosion landforms due to the processes of erosion and weathering that produce them. Cliffs are common on coasts, in mountainous areas, escarpments and along rivers. Cliffs are usually formed by rock that is resistant to erosion and weathering. Sedimentary rocks are most likely to form sandstone, limestone, chalk, and dolomite. Igneous rocks, such as granite...

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